< Home | Contact Confidently Transforming your future Register Today Contact us CONTACT CENTRE: Johannesburg TOLL FREE: 0800 77 6861 Operators are available from 07:30 am to 04:15 pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays REGIONAL OFFICE: Carletonville (011) 481 8290/1 REGIONAL OFFICE: Welkom (011) 481 8025/6 REGIONAL OFFICE: Emalahleni (Witbank) (011) 481 8295/6 REGIONAL OFFICE: Klerksdorp (011) 481 8024/8 Email: info@sentinel.za.com Postal Address: The Manager Sentinel Retirement Fund P O Box 61172 MARSHALLTOWN 2107 VISIT US (Not for postal purposes) SANDTON (JHB) 5th Floor, 92 Rivonia Road, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196 GPS COORDINATES S26°06’36.3” E28°03’19.258” CARLETONVILLE S Buys Office Park, Shop no.10, Corner Kaolin & Radium streets GPS COORDINATES S26°21’32.1” E27°23’42.0” WELKOM Shop 24, The Strip, 314 Stateway Welkom GPS COORDINATES S27°58’48.0” E26°44’05.7” EMALAHLENI (WITBANK) WCMAS Building Corner OR Tambo and Susanna streets Emalahleni GPS COORDINATES S25°52’23.7” E29°14’23.6” Klerksdorp 54 Buffelsdoorn Road, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2570 GPS COORDINATES S26°50’41.1” E26°40’27.0” Office hours are 08:00 am to 04:15 pm Mondays to Fridays excluding public holidays MAPS AND DIRECTIONS TO OUR OFFICES HEAD OFFICE: Sandton (JHB) REGIONAL OFFICE: Emalahleni (Witbank) REGIONAL OFFICE: Klerksdorp REGIONAL OFFICE: Carletonville REGIONAL OFFICE: Welkom QUICK LINK TO ONLINE PORTAL LOGIN Great investor to work with. Great energy. Thoughtful & considerate and asked great questions. Highly recommended! Empowering you To a secure future LATEST INVESTMENT RETURNS